Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Final Reflection

The transformation from the Industrial Age to the Knowledge Age was the main idea of this book for me. Technology has certainly changed and made a great impact on our lives in a relatively short amount of time. As most of us have mentioned, we have grown up during this age and watched as new technologies emerged. And now, the technology of today helps design the technology of the future. It may take us a few years to get to our 21st Century 50/50 level, but I wonder if it will be enough to keep up with the technological changes during that same time frame. In the restructuring of our schools, the book mentions we need to make small, achievable steps as well as large leaps so that we can calculate what is working along the way and that the changes have to come from all the support groups and environments.

The second main idea for me was “At the same time, the potential for information overload, distraction, and analysis paralysis when facing demands for attention from too many sources.” With the vast amount of information at our fingertips, overload is a concern. Attention spans seem so short, and multitasking keeps us from really focusing on one topic in-depth. We need to realize that all the technology at our fingertips is merely a tool that can not only entertain, but help us to learn and grow as well.

With so much information out there, it is extremely important that we teach our students the best way to access, evaluate and use the tools of the 21st Century. We can no longer teach students to simply remember what they learn, but how to continue to learn in school and in life. Just as our basic needs have changed to adapt to new technology, our basic education needs have to follow.

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