Sunday, November 28, 2010

Section IV 21st Century Learning and Teaching (Ch 6) & Powerful Learning Proven Practices, Researched Results (Ch 7)

The learning power of the P's and Q's is emphasized in chapter six. Other areas of interest of this chapter are:
1. Table 6.1, page 93, shows the breakdown of Scientific Versus Engineering Methods
2. Questions are what motivate scientists and engineers are motivated by challenging problems.
3. Inquiry-based learning versus design-based learning

A statement in chapter seven made me read the number referenced again. Page 108 "These summary conclusions are based on a thorough review of the fifty-year research base on inquiry, design and collaborative approach to learning by ...Linda Darling-Hammond and her colleagues..." Fifty-years of research on inquiry design and collaborative approach to learning that proves it works--and we are still having problems implementing and sustaining collaborative inquiry and design learning. Hopefully the 21st Century teacher's and student's skill sets can help overcome the obstacles to progress.


  1. You make an excellent point that after 50 years, we should be able to see the benefits of collaborative learning. The more we incorporate 21st century skills into our lessons, the more students will be prepared.

    Robert Slavin's comment that we can't simply tell students to work together, we have to show them how to collaborate is why there have been 50 years of work behind us, and a few more ahead.

  2. I definately see, even my reluctant learners, being more motivated and taking more ownership in inquiry based projects. I also believe in modeling what you expect the students to do.

  3. Teaching nd learning is always going to be a step behind. I feel we ctch on to something and then it is off to some new idea. Collaboration and inquiry-based learning are ways we can use the 21st learning tools.
